For Chinatown, a new chapter: Residents hope library is preface to new branch
(Metro B1, Sept. 21, 2009)
Storefront library exposes gap
(Globe Editorial, Sept. 25, 2009)
This recent coverage is part of a long-standing discussion about how to bring library services to Chinatown.
The Storefront Library aims to demonstrate that there are ways—right now—that residents, property owners, cultural institutions, and the city can work together to explore that question, while activating a vacant commerical storefront. A spirit of cooperation and experimentation has been a hallmark of the project, and we’ve seen key contributions from property owners, the Boston Public Library, the City of Boston, and many others.
By adding the Storefront Library to the mix, Boston Street Lab hopes to generate new ideas about how to bring cultural and civic space to downtown Boston, whether in a vacant storefront, a permanent library branch, or other ways yet to be imagined.
Leslie Davol
Sam Davol
Boston Street Lab