Weber Dance had a good, long rehearsal today. The space is functioning well, and the public is starting to drop in and watch. Jon Turk, author and collaborator on the dance piece took the stage and did some dramatic storytelling. Chris Engles was on the floor, capturing video for Weber Dance that we’ll link to shortly is embedded below. You can also see a small exhibit of Chris’ photography (photos of Weber Dance) on display during Work In Progress.
Interested in sketching, drawing, or painting dancers? Work In Progress runs for three weeks, and we’ve got plenty of room for easels. See you tomorrow, 9:30am – noon.
Photos: Sam Davol/Boston Street Lab.
Video: Chris Engles.
An update from Jody Weber of Weber Dance on tomorrow’s rehearsal plan (4/24):
We will begin with a review of what has been accomplished during day one and two. Then we will move to section three. In the latter part of the rehearsal Jody will be teaching the dancers new material for a sixth section.