May 9, 2011
This weekend I walked up and down the Bowery and around Sara D. Roosevelt Park in NYC to see what ideas were on offer at the street festival called “StreetFest,” organized by the New Museum in conjunction with its Festival of Ideas for the New City. I knew...
Dec 5, 2009
We just read with interest about a newly launched “Express Library” in Mesa Arizona: 2500 square feet, open three days a week, funded by impact fees from real estate developers. Less than 7% of the start-up costs were used to renovate the storefront—the...
Jun 1, 2009
Boston Street Lab is looking for nonprofit organizations and groups who currently provide educational and community programs consistent with a public library, such as ESL and computer classes, reading groups, screenings, talks, meetings, and events. The Storefront...
May 1, 2009
Boston Street Lab has reached out to Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Service for interns to participate in development the Storefront Library program this summer and interns to help operate the library next fall. Interns must be graduate students...
Apr 3, 2009
Development of the library program for the Storefront Library is underway. Today, Boston Street Lab met with librarian Rebecca Campbell of the Boston Public Library (BPL), who will be helping to coordinate the advisory role of the BPL as we develop the services,...