Books and culture in Boston’s Chinatown, new effort underway

Books and culture in Boston’s Chinatown, new effort underway

We concluded the Storefront Library over a year ago in Chinatown, and tonight I’m excited to share photos of something new underway which I believe has tremendous potential to carry the torch forward in the neighborhood. Terrific people are getting behind a new,...
A Storefront Library for Evanston IL

A Storefront Library for Evanston IL

Creating a community Storefront Library is an odd line of work—exhausting and exhilarating, a thousand mundane details and then moments that move you to tears, all in a day’s work. I suppose it’s like being a librarian, on a kind of stage. One thing is...
Boston Globe editorial, Chinatown library

Boston Globe editorial, Chinatown library

The Boston Globe published an editorial this morning proposing that the city, Boston Public Library and members of the Chinatown community sit down with developers of a lot on Washington St. and renegotiate a public benefits package to re-direct funding towards the...
Storefront Library plants a seed at Oak Terrace

Storefront Library plants a seed at Oak Terrace

Here’s an update on one of the small ripples created by the Storefront Library in Boston’s Chinatown following our closing in February. At the conclusion of the project, our volunteers and staff went to great lengths to distribute the components of the...
Time to Move on. . .

Time to Move on. . .

Dear Patrons, Supporters and Sponsors, The last day of the Storefront Library at 640 Washington St. will be Sunday, January 17, 2010. If you haven’t had a chance to come by, please do! This weekend, in addition to storytime and a special science activity,...
We're in this (space) together

We're in this (space) together

At the Storefront Library, whether you’re attending a program, reading a newspaper, or working the Drawing Lab, you’ll find yourself among people making the most of a formerly vacant storefront—doing things together and doing things “alone.”...